Request for your collaboration on the 2023 Annual Japanese Companies Survey

The Consulate General of Japan in Miami conducts an annual survey of Japanese companies in the State of Florida . This information is compiled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is utilized as fundamental material by the Consulate to understand the business environment and to correspond in time of emergency and will not be used for any other purposes. We sincerely appreciate your kind cooperation and understanding in completing the survey per the instructions below.
1. Please respond to the questionare on the link below by Friday, January 19 and complete it based on the information of your company as of October 1, 2023.
(Link to the questionare)
2. If you have any questions regarding this survey, please feel free to contact us  e mail: business Tel: +1 305 530 9090 (Ms. Tsuda/ Mr. Ozawa/Ms. Hirayama)